
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Change of website! (

Hi everyone.
Just wanted you to know that I will no longer have this blog at blogger.
To see my blog at it's new address you can go to
That's right everyone I am a ".com" lol. So come and see me!
Don't worry all these posts will be put on the new blog!

- A beehive

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pray Often.

Okay so today in family scripture study we read in Alma Chapter 33: 2-41
There were a few verses that caught my eye and they are verses 18-27.
18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is almighty to save.
19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.
20 Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.
21 Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.
22 Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.
23 Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.
24 Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.
25 Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.
26 But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.
27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.

So basically what I got our of this is PRAY PRAY PRAY!
In twenty six it say pray in you closets and in your secret places.
Which reminds me of how Nephi would often go up to a mountain I think it was and pray.
Throughout the scriptures almost every prophet has had a secret/ special place to pray shouldn't we?
So basically that is my mission this week to find a special place to pray.
Wish me luck and I hope this has helped.
- A beehive

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday thought idea.

Spread Sunshine
When the Son is your light, you make the world a brighter place.
(See Hymns, no. 228.)

To find this one specifically I had to do a special search so click here to go to the page it's at.

I got a call around ten o'clock ten fifteen, (church for me starts at eleven for meetings instead of 12:30) from YW's and they asked me to give the thought. So of course I was scrambling around trying to shower and get ready and find a thought when my mom pulled out her big book of Mormonads from the New Era magazine. "Why don't you use one of these for the thought?" She offered and of course it was super easy so I rummaged through her book and found one. So I thought that I would give the tip to you guys as well. My mom also told me we could print them online too. (to go to the website click here.) They have practically a Mormonad for every topic.
(The Mormonad I used is the picture above this post.)
I really hope this helped with ideas for thoughts on Sundays.

- A beehive

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Review of this week.

Time for my Weekly review.

I have.

  • I have Done something creative everyday. (most of them parody's but hey whatever it takes.)
  • Written in my journal every night.
  • Read my scriptures every night.
  • Have worked on my books.
  • Have listened to pod casts
  • eaten good food
  • exercised.
  • eaten healthy food.
  • I have tried out a new recipe.

I have done tons of other things too but these are the main ones.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Serving those who need service.

I finally get to try out a great recipe today.
In YW's tonight we are supposed to make treats at home and to take them to YW's.
Then we will take them around to whoever needs them. Either elderly people or inactive or I don't know. Lets just say this we are going to take them to someone.
I have decided to take this opportunity to try out this great recipe I have.
What is it you may ask. Ha! as if I am going to tell ya. Don't worry I will take some pictures and add another post telling you what it is. So lets just say its a mystery treat.
So check back later today for the update!
- a Beehive

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scripture reading.

The Sunday before last, our teacher mentioned reading your scriptures and the technique of opening them up at random.
She explained how every night you should pray anyways before you read the scriptures but when you have a question you should ask it in your prayers before reading. So basically I put it in steps by what I understood.

  • Start the prayer and ask for the answer to a question or inspiration basically whatever.
  • Then you place the book down on its spine and let go.
  • When it opens sometimes I find it opens to a page but a marker wants it to go to another one so stick your finger in that first page. Other times it opens right up to it. Sometimes the marked page is what you are meant to read.

I tend to start from the beginning of the page but if any verse catches your eye then good! there really isn't a specific technique for how the spirit works. I believe that its different with every person depending on their needs.

So after this lesson I went home and did it because I had wanted to learn how to do it and amazingly it worked. I did it again and again and again and every time and its amazing how clear things become.

- A beehive

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Eye on the Prize

So we went to a warm springs the other day. And one of the lifeguards there had a deal with her parents that they were going to pay her two grand if she didn't date, hold hands, hug, or kiss a guy until she was eighteen. And she has stuck true to that deal. That got my parents thinking and we are now in the process of negotiating our price. And note that the lifeguard was actually really cute (like me) so you know she could have had any boy she wanted so its not like it is easy.
So I will let you know when the contract is made and the price is set lol.

- A beehive

Finding good songs/music update.

So in previous posts I have expressed how annoyed I was at the fact that you can't find any fun music that has clean good lyrics. And I explained how I loved the beat to California Girls by Katy Perry and how frustrated I was with the lyrics. Of course I had considered making a parody but how can you do that when you are actually taking it seriously?

lol. So I decided my cousin and I are going to make a parody to it anyways and not take it seriously. Why because it actually sounds like fun. So any suggestions for the lyrics?

- A beehive.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I love food.

So yesterday I did my first full fast,
and I understand it is healthy and a sacrifice that makes blessings flow.
But I have to admit. I was extremely hungry.
And I loved loved loved food. But I made it through and it was way worth it.
I feel great and calm and really spiritual.
So all and all even though it didn't seem like it at the time it was a great experience.
So I started thinking how could I make it easier, and came up with these ideas.
  • Have a large amount of distractions lined up (movies, games, and insanely interesting book etc.)
  • Drink a lot of water before hand a lot lot lot of water before hand.
  • Eat a large meal before hand.
  • Catch up on sleep and make sure you are well rested before you fast so that you can really enjoy the added naps and sleep.
  • focus on who or what you are fasting for instead of the fact you are fasting in general.

So I hope this helps, and I definitely think I will have to try the getting a nice good sleep before hand thing. (the night before I had stayed of until 2:40 in the morning. Hee Hee.

- A beehive.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July Goals

I have been listening to this podcast free on itunes called Tranquility Du jour and have been reading the blog of this podcaster.(To see her blog click here) And she did this thing where she wrote down and tried to complete monthly goals. And I must say she did a great job.
I was thinking about how great that would be to try to do that. So here I go.

  • To do something creative everyday.
  • To write 1-2 pages of my current book that I am writing.
  • To read my scriptures every night.
  • To write in my journal every night.
  • To complete at least one YW project.
  • To Meditate in the evening, morning, and midday
  • To exercise everyday.
  • To eat healthier.
  • To work on quote journal, or image journal, or other spiritually filling techniques.
  • Filling my cup a little every day.
  • Not to let people rain on my parade.

That's it folks. I may have piled things a bit high, but being the fabulous and brilliant person I am I can handle it. lol.

- A beehive

Thursday, July 1, 2010

YWs and the Twilight Saga


Part 1.

It was one seemingly normal fast Sunday in church and the Twilight movie had been out for a week or less maybe more. And I had just picked up the books from the library unaware that the movie was already out and started to read them. So that Sunday was fast Sunday like I stated before and an older lady stood up and bore her testimony about how awful and "inappropriate" the "vampire series young people were reading these days" and how "Kids were reading these crazy and innapropriate books now days".
After that Sunday on Monday morning before school, Even though I was only on the first few pages I was riveted and my parents had to tare the book out of my grasp and away from my riveted eyes. I had finally found it a great book series. After Harry Potter I had gone into a sort of depression when the series ended because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find another great series to read. And when I heard the hushed reverent and a tad bit over slightly embarrassed whispers that the Twilight series was really good I rushed to the Library to check out a copy. After my parents took it away they asked me "are you sure it's good?" "Is it taking away from the spirit?" "we aren't sure you should read this." "How do you feel when you read it?" To every question they asked was a positive and completely truthful answer but despite my attempts I still couldn't read it.
Finaly some family came come to find out everyone has read the series and highly recommends it.
I rub it in a little and mom finally agrees that I can read them and ALL of them none of this you have to be twenty one to read breaking dawn crap.
When I finaly got to read Twilight I read it in one day without breaks barely any to eat I was so rivited. Soon I decided that I needed to read them aloud to my mom and my dad would over here which got him addicted. He would end up staying up all night reading them.
Finaly I got to see the movie and couldn't helo but enjoy making fun of Robert Pattinson's acting skills that wern't fully developed.

A while later one of the teachers in our school (I wasn't there because I was being home schooled) Said that my fifth almost sixth grade class could not watch twilight because it was inappropriate so instead they watched another show that was inappropriate it had swearing every curse word under the rainbow was included in it. Guys kissing guys. truly inappropriate remarks and scenes. And they didn't hand out permission slips to watch it. And they were not aloud to read during it with a reading light.


So the week New Moon came out we ended up going on a youth temple trip for baptisms for the dead. We live in a town where there is no movie theaters so we took the opportunity to go and watch New Moon afterwards.
That Sunday we all shared what fun things we did that we and when it got to me, and I told them I went to see New Moon after the temple trip. One of the YW presidency gasped and said. "You went to see new moon after a temple trip." (as if it were some bad thing and daughter hadn't even gone to the temple trip because her daughter wanted to go to a basketball game.)
After that come to find out a few of the YW actually went to see new moon and I had brought a friend who was ecstatic to see it after the temple trip.


We have come really far and come to find out a few girls here actually went to midnight release party's and Half the YW saw it in one day that day was actually yesterday the day it officially came out. All before I have gotten to see it needless to say it has been a "total eclipse of the heart."

I think that by the time this movie comes around all the girls will see it right away.
Why I think so is because.

1. It was inspired by classics. (Twilight pride and prejudice. New Moon Romeo and Juliet. Eclipse Wuthering Heights. and Breaking dawn was its own.)

2. Everyone can compare to it in a way.

3. The battle within between the good and evil within us is universal.

We all have a bit of Bella and Victoria in us. It just depend on what side we choose that day. Like Edward we battle every day between trying to be good and our true nature and even in trying to resist the "Blood." (R rated movies, porn, etc.)
Just my thoughts. It's amazing how things have turned around isn't it?

- A Beehive.