
Saturday, December 5, 2009

My First Temple Trip! (my first Baptisms for the dead)

Sorry I couldn't flip the pics.
Anyways here are some pics of my first temple trip!
It was so amazing. I mean of course I was nervous because I had never done something like that before. That didn't distract me from the spirit I felt there. It made me again want to be a better person. The feeling as I was confirmed and baptized was beyond imagining. Of course I still wanted to have one of those experiences where you actually see the people you are baptizing but I was happy with feeling them there with me instead. I could feel the love my heavenly father had for me, and how proud he was that I was doing his work and helping his children go up to heaven. I couldn't believe yet I could that everyone who was being baptized were my brothers and sisters. On the way home I found that I was praying for everyone I saw. If kids were walking home I would pray. It was amazing. I hope every trip is like this.
- A beehive