
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Young Womans or Bust!!

Here are some pics of new beginnings.
It was so super duper fun. I am on such a high for some reason going just made me feel amazingly spiritual. I had such a great time. I am unfortunately still eleven although I consider myself twelve. The bummer thing is, is that my birthday isn't for another six months. I will have to miss girls camp and stay in primary for a whole six months more. I don't know if I will survive for six months, then they will have to spare one personal progress book and bury it with me, along with the camp manual of course. Alas alack they don't know what a joy they are missing, so much of a joy in fact they should change the rules world wide. Hee hee. Dang I can't wait. They read poems they had written about each of us (Below) and they had hand outs (candy watches the theme was we will stand as a witness to god at all times) and they gave us a small teddy bear with a rain bow wrapped around it. The spirit was so strong I can't believe how great it made me feel. I wonder though why I don't feel like that in primary. Maybe it's because I am older then my classmates because I am a September baby. Well until then I think I will just act like I am already in young woman's.

- an almost Beehive

(The Poem They Wrote)

The Times Of Cheyennes Life
The time of day was morning,
The clock said around eight thirty.
When Baby Cheyenne ------ arrived,
And oh was she ever "Purty"!
The time of day we're not real sure,
But eighteen months had come and gone,
When Cheyenne got to go to nursery
And learn the word of God.
The time of day is morning,
The time is flying by,
Soon Cheyenne will be out of primary
And will happily wave Goodbye!
The time of day is evening,
The clock this time says six,
At New Beginnings Cheyenne sits
To be welcomed to the Young Women mix.
The time of day is right now,
And how the time has flown,
We want to tell you about Cheyenne
So here are some things we know...
Cheyennes first love must be dancing,
She really thinks dancing is great,
Cheyenne likes to read and write stores,
And plays piano and does crafts first rate.
So it's to welcome Cheyenne
Into our young Woman's class
She will turn twelve on September the 2nd
And we know she will have a BLAST!